Did NPR “Psychiatrist” Remark Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has warned National Public Radio (NPR) that a remark made by NPR’s CEO in the firing of senior correspondent Juan Williams may violate the letter or spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

In this week’s NAMI Blog, NAMI Executive Director Michael Fitzpatrick shares the text of a letter sent to NPR president and CEO Vivian Schiller, calling on NPR to adopt a plan no later than its board meeting scheduled in November to “educate and reassure” managers and employees about ADA protections in the workplace for people with mental health concerns.

After firing Williams for talking about Muslims during a Fox TV News program, Schiller told news media that Williams’ personal feelings should have been kept between himself and his “psychiatrist or publicist—take your pick.” Williams responded that he did not have a psychiatrist.

Schiller later apologized for the “thoughtless remark,” but NAMI called it an “outrageous” statement.

via Did NPR “Psychiatrist” Remark about Juan Williams Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?.

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