Child Mental Health Rally in Richmond

Parents, caregivers and doctors are pushing for sweeping reforms to Virginia’s mental health system – changes, they say, that could save lives.

Tuesday, members of a coalition of non-profits rallied outside the Capitol Building in Richmond. During the event, Alex Slusher held up a picture of her son, Stuart.

“This is what depression looks like,” she said.

Last year, as he was beginning to fill out college applications, Stuart committed suicide. His mother had tried to get him help, but they were told the waiting list to see a counselor was months long. Now, she’s among those pushing for more services to help children with mental illness.

“We need to do something about it before it’s beyond our control,” she said.

One out of every five children in the United States suffers from a mental illness. Folks at the rally claim services in Virginia are woefully inadequate.

Read more here: Child Mental Health Rally – NBC29.

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