Temple Grandin: My autism made me a cowgirl superstar

The red carpet commentators on frock-watch at the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles had a treat in store for them this year. Clad in black and red cowgirl gear, Temple Grandin – bestselling author, groundbreaking animal behaviour expert and arguably the world’s most successful autistic person – gave the US television industry’s annual hoedown a real taste of the Wild West.

At one point, she jumped up and swung her arm lasso-style at the stage. The woman who took on the macho world of ranching over its treatment of cattle and who was named by Time magazine as one of 2010’s 100 most influential people wasn’t going to be cowed by Hollywood. Two days later, back at her day job lecturing in livestock handling and behaviour at Colorado State University, she reassured her students that the Emmy party had been “just like a US meat industry convention, only with rather less drinking”.

Read more here: Temple Grandin: My autism made me a cowgirl superstar – Telegraph.

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