Putting faces to Down Syndrome

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And if Gigi’s Playhouse of Rockford gets its way, a new exhibit will be worth 24,000 words and a way to teach others.

Sunday night, 24 pictures were unveiled in CherryVale Mall as a part of the traveling exhibit called “I have a voice”. Each picture is supposed to educate those about what Down Syndrome is and enlighten misperceptions of the disorder.

“We want people to know that, yeah, they are special and they have special needs,” said Gigi’s Playhouse of Rockford President Penny Wirtjens. “But they can be just as helpful to your community and just as big of an important part of our lives and our community as any other child.”

The exhibit is part of Gigi’s Playhouse of Rockford—which specializes in educational and social support for those with Down Syndrome.

Read more here: Putting faces to Down Syndrome – WREX.com – Rockford’s News Leader.

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