Around the Community

It’s been a long time since we did a community update but we have a lot going on! We’re also hoping to do this each Friday so you can pop in and click around…just want to make it easy on you!

OLD POST, FRESH OPINIONS First, an old post What NOT to Say to Special Needs Parents has been getting some NEW comments. Not all of them positive as they were when the post first published in January of this year. Click on over there and add your opinion. In the recent comments there were some back and forth with someone who says special needs parents are oversensitive. What do you think?


SPECIAL NEEDS MINI-CON AT BLOGHER! It’s already been announced by BlogHer that Support for Special Needs (check out the description!) is co-hosting a mini-con on Friday of BlogHer and we couldn’t be more thrilled! We have some exciting discussions planned that include all special needs. If you are going to BlogHer and want to be included on our BlogHer list so we can find each other, add your name here and click back for special announcements. Hopefully in the next week we’ll provide all the details for the lunch and sessions…get ready!


WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We have an old tradition of introducing new members…but have been unable to keep up, so we’re hoping that you’ll visit our Member Directory (pull down bar by “Newest Registered”)


  • Andi Welcome Andi! She has two kiddos with (different!) special needs and blogs at Bringing the Sunshine. Please go and say hi and friend her!
  • Say hello to Jane. She’s a stay a home, married mum of two beautiful children!  Our daughter is the youngest and is neurotypical, our son is the oldest and has an acquired brain injury as a result of Pneumococcal Meningitis at 5 1/2 months of age. We are 15 years down the track of our journey into the special needs world and I have now started a blog called This is No Ordinary Kid. On my blog I am telling our story of when our son became ill and what life is like living with him. I’m passionate about spreading awareness about Meningitis and am also a huge supporter of Riding for the Disabled. Visit her blog This is No Ordinary Kid!

We’ll introduce you to members every so often so you have a chance to meet people because that is what it’s all about, right?


Pop into a Group! Right now we have a few new topics in different groups for you to weight in on…

  • IEP discussion; let’s share wisdom with each other on getting more services.
  • Summer Stresses? Join the Caregiver Stress group and let’s talk about summer stress. Then give me some ideas to lessen my summer stress, okay?
  • Autism Support; let’s introduce ourselves!


Interesting Recent Posts! Just so you know some of the recent articles we’ve been posting!

iPad Apps for Special Needs: Yup…you guessed it, Shannon Des Roches Rosa gave us a COMPREHENSIVE list of apps for kids with special needs. Check it out!

Finding the BEST Way to be the BEST Parent Possible! This is a great reminder to follow our intuition!

Faith and Special Needs. A regular series of ours, we like to hear different perspectives of different faith beliefs. Did God choose us to be special needs parents? Care to submit an article on Faith and Special Needs? Let us know! Contact Julia Roberts on the site!

As always, we appreciate you being here. Thank you for sharing and supporting each other because we have more in common than a diagnosis separates us!


Note: To support the site we make money on some products, product categories and services that we talk about on this website through affiliate relationships with the merchants in question. We get a small commission on sales of those products.That in no way affects our opinions of those products and services.

One Response
  1. Jane 41 years ago