What blog recognition means to me

Me with Ellen from Love that Max
I’m not really a “vote for me” type of person with blog awards. I don’t blog for recognition or blog buttons. I blog to get the rumblings out of my head, I blog to get support, information from readers and somewhere along the way I also realized I blogged to educate. So when I learned this week that my blog was listed as a reference as a blog special educators should read, I was very proud. I was listed with a few blogs I read and writers I admire and it meant a great deal to me.
We have a lot of bloggers here and we even have a blogging group and a blogging conference group. If you let us know, we’ll connect your blog to our activity stream so when you update your blog, it will feed to the site and community members can get to know you better. It’s one of the things we love about our site because it lets us get to know each other better.
I love blogging and bloggers and I have loved being able to meet other bloggers. I went to two blogging conferences last year and they were both great experiences. You’ll note the scrolling picture of me with my friend Anissa, whom I met because of the site and I now write for at Aiming Low. I’d interviewed her for the site because her daughter had cancer and is now in remission. See? It’s wonderful crazy the people you meet. I’ve been lucky to have been able to build new friendships with people like Anissa and others, knowing I wouldn’t have been unless I claimed the title blogger. Meeting in real life is one of the things we strive for in our community. It made sense for us to create our IRL Connect series so we could share in person and we’re hosting our first IRL Connect event in a month and we’re also working on a pre-BlogHer event for special needs parents to connect. We’re so excited to bring people together online and offline.
Thank you for letting me share here. Your wisdom, your strength, your support means everything to me. I know that many other people benefit from the same things and that is exactly what Dawn and I pictured when we dreamt up this little community.
Note: To support the site we make money on some products, product categories and services that we talk about on this website through affiliate relationships with the merchants in question. We get a small commission on sales of those products.That in no way affects our opinions of those products and services.
YAY! Keep on rocking it!