A List of Helpful (big) Small Tips for Parents

You know how you learn something and then you think it’s so simple you should have already known it? This list is a lot like that. You don’t know what you don’t know.

1. If your kid hates an automatic flusing toilet (the sound, the air whoosh, the startle) just carry a simple business card sized magnet with you from your fridge and place it over the sensor. You’ll be hands free to help your child.

2. If your kid is sensitive to socks and shoes being on their feet and they can’t communicate with you yet, it could be the inside of their socks (they’re really bumpy). Flip them inside out.

3. Buy band aids on sale. Want to help a kid focus and have them work on occupational therapy? Especially helpful in the car. Just give them a stack of band aids and tell them to have at it. They used to cover their legs and dolls and stuffed animals. And yes, the windows. For fun tape small open paper bag to the back of the car they could use as a basketball goal to try to throw the trash away.

4. Leggings are a girl’s friend. Elastic cargo pants in large boy sizes are extremely helpful for kids that can’t button.

5. To work on swallowing pills for kids without swallowing issues, practice with mini M&Ms.

6. Trouble tying shoes and hitting middle school where clothing changes take place? Try these laces, or these new things called Hickies.

7. If your child has a blanket or lovey that they use for comfort, go on eBay and buy a replacement right now.

Feel free to add to the list and we’ll share those tips another day!


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