When Prayers Go Unanswered
If we are going to praise the answered prayers, what do we say about the unanswered prayers?
When my daughter was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease our (Methodist) associate minister, Steve, invited us to come and pray with him at a “healing service.” It was a couple of days after we heard the news, our heads were spinning and our hearts were breaking and he invited us and anyone who wanted to come pray.
I held my daughter as Steve anointed her with oil and prayed. It was honestly, beautiful. I remember it like it was yesterday because those who attended surrounded us with such love that night and in those early days we needed a lot of love. He prayed for the cysts in her kidneys to shrink, for wisdom for us and the doctors and for us to feel comforted and love.
There were people all over the world praying for us; and specifically our daughter.
This was all before our son, then 3, was diagnosed with the same disease 3 months later. We were, as you might imagine, devastated. By now the healing services were regular with anywhere from 5-30 people in attendance. What we prayed for was largely dependent on the news we received about one of the kids; was it bad? In those early days it seemed like all the news was bad and so we prayed.
People all over the world prayed for both kids; for a miracle, for complete healing.
They were not completely healed.
Over the next six years we watched both kids suffer kidney failure. One nearly died and wanted to die and was so depressed he needed admittance into a psychiatric hospital for stabilization after surgery survival and a kidney transplant. The other one was traumatized by her brother’s issues along with going through her own body-crushing symptoms to kidney failure and transplant.
I’m not bitter at all with God. I don’t believe God specifically gave me sick kids to raise because I’m strong and could “handle it.” I believe God is all knowing and in that wisdom put some really lovely people in my path to make our journey better (like I commented on this post on faith, here). All along I had choices. I could have stay away from church, from God, from praying but I didn’t. I didn’t because I found comfort in asking for comfort and I felt God through people that were comforting to me. I could have chosen another path, and I still believe that my kids would have received kidney transplants and we would have still had the same struggles and celebrations. They might have looked a little different in the implementation, but they would still be present.
You want to know my disconnect? I have a serious problem praising God for answered prayers when a child survives or a treatment is successful because I know there are some of us who have children that have suffered even though we prayed. Children who have suffered greatly. I have friends who have children who have died.
Were our prayers not good enough? Was it us; we’re not worthy? Our prayers, lifted up with the same intensity, pain, reverence as those whose prayers were “answered” and yet, our children did not have successful outcomes.
Should we praise God for the answered prayers and ignore the fact that some go unanswered? I don’t see how we can have it both ways on this issue. Because of the people who pray for good outcomes, I never hear them make angry statements of the prayers that weren’t answered. Do we only want to praise when it’s what we wanted?
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We no longer attend church regularly (it became apparent our son wasn’t welcome because he couldn’t fit in during the time his struggles were the greatest) but I still believe in prayer and in the church of Do Unto Others. One day, we’ll return to church, but we seem like we’re at a crossroads right now.
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My gut feeling on this may not really answer the question or add anything to the conversation. But I feel like sometimes OUR unanswered prayers can lead to being the answer to a prayer for others.
The outreach you do and the message you send to people who are struggling to understand a new diagnosis, a scary future, tough times… it’s the answer a lot of times, to THEIR prayers of support.
I prayed for healing of my son while he laid in the hospital on life support… all six pounds of him. My prayer was 100% unanswered. I’m pretty pissed about it. But then I realize that a lot of days I’m the answer to someone else’s prayer. Their prayer may be to just have somebody who understands or someone to listen to them. Maybe it’s someone who will just send a quick email 6 months after their child died to say “how ya doing?”
While my prayers weren’t answered, I’m being used (and i’m so not religious) to help fill others’ requests.
Sorry, that got long 😉
Prayer is a two-fold process for me: lifting up the righteous desires of my heart to God, and then putting it in His hands for His will to be done.
I’ve had several experiences in my life when I’ve prayed for a specific burden to be lifted. And yet, instead of the burden being lifted, I have found that I’ve been strengthened to bear it better. Two different outcomes, but surprisingly, the same kind of peace. And for that, good or bad, I do give thanks.
I believe that God has a bigger plan. I don’t necessarily thank God for not answering my prayers as specified by me. But I do acknowledge that God’s choice to not answer my prayer my way does not in any way affect his love for me or my child. I regularly beg Him for a glimpse of that bigger picture into which my child and I play a small part. Most of the time, I never know. Once in a while I can say, “oh.” Isaiah 55:8-9 is my backbone, followed closely by Jeremiah 29:11 and God’s beautiful description of His perfect creation of my child in Psalm 139.
I have been blessed with three special needs children, two on the autism spectrum and another with a chronic disease.
Shawn used to say to me that we are only a small part of God’s plan and even though he did not answer our prayers the way we wanted him too that we needed to think about the big picture. I know that God never abandoned me in my darkest hours but was holding me closer. He put some amazing people in our lives to help us in our struggle. I still ask why and I know it is ok for me to do that… I will know someday. I look forward to the day when I can celebrate with the Lord and give Aidan a big hug and kiss.
I was disheartened to hear of your experience and will keep you in prayer. Meanwhile we have been running a special needs program at our church for 3+ years with great success. We partner with http://www.nathanielshope.org and their mission is to have a program in over 1000 churches by 2020… feel free to email me to talk, pray or be encouraged that folks are DOING something in the churches for special needs issues!