Down syndrome aside, he’s ‘just a typical student’

Christopher Hunnicutt slowly made his way across the Kennesaw State University campus from his music appreciation class to the student center, waving and smiling to everyone he encountered.

“Hey, I’m Chris,” he said with a raspy voice and big grin to a taller but younger student also going his way. Christopher extended his hand for a solid handshake. “Glad to know you, Chris,” the other student replied. They chatted along the way as Chris exchanged more waves and smiles to dozens of students walking past.

Some engaged the stocky young man in pleasant conversation: “Hey man, how’re ya doin’? How’re your classes?” Others simply responded with an encouraging smile. Students or staff, it made no difference. Christopher wanted to meet everyone as he basked in his college experience. He was beyond ecstatic just to be on campus; thrilled to be, in his words, “just a typical student.”

It’s impossible not to smile when meeting Christopher Hunnicutt. The other students might not know who he is unless they shared a class, but they know at first glance that there’s something different about him.

via Baptist Press – Down syndrome aside, he’s ‘just a typical student’ – News with a Christian Perspective.

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