Living in a Calm and Ordered Home

shutterstock_204538888When you have a child with special needs, the last thing in the world you feel you have time to do is organize your home. Either you’re too busy, too stressed out, or just plain too tired! And yet, raising children with special needs in a calm and ordered home has rich benefits. When you can find what you need, when you need it, time is freed up allowing you to focus on the things you really need to do. Not only that, but living in a calm and ordered home can greatly influence how each member of the family feels, thinks, and acts. An organized home does not erase the special needs, but when the stress of not being able to find things is eliminated, more of your emotional and physical resources can be spent on more important things.

What I’ve learned over the years as a Professional Organizer is nearly every family that has a child with special needs struggles with home organization to some degree. Even the most organized home, prior to receiving the diagnosis, is prone to disorganization. All of a sudden life as we knew it changes and we are faced with a new normal. Life gets put on hold while the diagnosis sinks in, while the grief takes over, and for some of us that can last months and even years.

I count it a great honor being able to help my clients bring order to their homes and lives. Often when we complete an organizing session, they not only appreciate being able to find what they have in the room, but many say things like “I feel as though a weight has been lifted”. Living in clutter-free and organized spaces really can bring about positive change in our lives. When you have a child with special needs, there is even a greater pay-off of living in an organized home. I believe all kids benefit from living in organized spaces, but that it’s particularly true for children with special needs.

Julie Hough

Professional Organizer and owner of The Ordered Home

Mom of three beautiful children, two are on the Autism Spectrum.

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  1. Chaotic Mom 41 years ago
  2. Siobhan Wolf Shaffer 41 years ago