Around the Community…more BlogHer!

First of all, in addition to the Special Needs Mini-Con at BlogHer where speakers are announced we have some great people who are  helping us out with small group moderation at BlogHer.

Meet the other people helping us out at the BlogHer Mini-Con..

Kate at The GuavaliciousLife and @guavaliciouslife saw the BlogHer announcement before I did! It still needed tweaking back in the day but Kate didn’t care, she said “Sign me up and tell me how I can help!”  I recently saw her several times at Type -A and she was usually surrounded by people and smiling all the time. If you’re feeling awkward at all at BlogHer, I urge you to find Kate; she’ll make you feel at ease. I also hear she’ll answer to Guava (which helps me out tremendously).

As soon as the Special Needs Mini-Con was announced Jennifer sent me a note because she wanted to see if she could get involved in it and help. When I asked her to moderate, she said, with gusto, “Yes!” I met @JennyAlice last year at a reading she did for My Baby Rides the Short Bus and she is regal and all that, but she’s funny as heck. Meet her at BlogHer, I beg you to not want to be her BFF.

Ellen at Love That Max and @lovethatmax – Everyone knows Ellen, right? If you’ve been to a blogging conference and haven’t met her in person, I have no idea where you were hiding. Ellen gets around and meets everyone! Be sure to make time to talk to her at BlogHer, you won’t regret it!

Jen is the mom to 9 year old Cameron and 5 year old Jordan. Meet Jen at Born Just Right. You can find Jen on Twitter as @jenleereeves or @bornjustright. She teaches interactive and social media-based journalism at the Missouri School of Journalism and helps manage an NBC affiliate newsroom.

If you haven’t signed up so we know you’ll be there, please do on our official BlogHer list!


Did you know one of the best ways to see what’s going on around the site and with members is so check our activity stream? It’s the first place I click when I check in because it gives me a quick view and allows me to pop in to new discussions. See? So easy. It stays on the top bar on the home page so be sure to use it to help you navigate around!


We have some new members, be sure to check out their profiles on our member directory! You can even select who is newly registered on the right pull down bar so that makes it easy to see who needs a welcome!


I hope you see what great things we are talking about on one of our partner sites within Support for Special Needs…Roylco! A support of ours, we’re so happy to be able to share some products with you on their branded site with us!


Other groups to check out…Faith & Disability, Mystery Diagnosis?, Speech and Hearing Delays, and a great catch-all, Anything Goes.


Note: To support the site we make money on some products, product categories and services that we talk about on this website through affiliate relationships with the merchants in question. We get a small commission on sales of those products.That in no way affects our opinions of those products and services.