Autistic man finds his voice through art

Living with autism, communication has not always been easy for Sam Irving. But with each brush stroke, ink stain or pencil mark, Sam has found his voice.

Next Saturday, the accomplished artist will showcase some of his work as a vendor at the Mesquite High School orchestra’s annual Fiddles and Flapjacks benefit breakfast.

Although proceeds fund the school’s sterling orchestra program, Sam sells his artwork for a cause he knows intimately.

“This is a great opportunity for Sam to raise money for Walk Now for Autism. It’s also good for him to get out in the community for the social interaction,” said Sam’s mom, Renata Irving.

The road to gifted artist has been a challenging one for Sam. When he was 4, his mom was told his IQ was too low to measure. But the former teacher always had art supplies around the house, and Sam quickly began expressing himself without words.

via Autistic man finds his voice through art.

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