A specialist in special education

Kim Richardson waited patiently as 14-year-old Scott Barris slowly sounded out the answer to her question.

“What do you have to have when you go to a restaurant?” Richardson asked the Vineland Middle School special-education student as he stared intently at the table.

“Manners,” Scott said slowly but confidently.

“That’s great, Scott. Give me a high-five,” Richardson said as Scott tapped her hand.

Richardson’s smile displayed her satisfaction in connecting with Scott on this recent morning.

“This is a very challenging job and every day is something new. That’s why I like it,” said Richardson, a Pueblo County School District 70 paraeducator.”I think the thing that brings me the greatest joy is when I see them light up when they learn something,” she said.

Read more here: A specialist in special education – The Pueblo Chieftain: Local.

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