Grant helps further research on autism in adulthood

Families with autistic children who participated in a 1980s U study have allowed researchers to focus on adults with autism through the Autism Speaks grant.

The $450,000 grant will permit researchers to follow up with 241 autistic adults who were studied 25 years ago as children by U and UCLA researchers. Their goal is to catch a glimpse of the individuals over time to better understand autism in adulthood.

Not much is known about the effects of autism in adulthood, including necessary support services, as well as struggles with employment and social interaction.

“What’s needed is a large, population-based sample to better understand the issue,” said William McMahon, professor and chairman of the U School of Medicine’s department of psychiatry. “With the Autism Speaks grant, we can start to provide more information for this area of need.”

read more at The Daily Utah Chronicle – Grant helps further research on autism in adulthood.

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